Who is a philanthropist? How do you define a “philanthropy champion?”
Why it matters: Marie-Rose Romain Murphy, the co-founder of the Haiti Community Foundation, discusses how traditional definitions of who exactly is a philanthropist can exclude the impactful work than many communities and community members do.
2020 Giving Pledge Challenge
Hear from Rebecca Riccio about why we think it is important to make our LearnGive pledge for 2020. Commit to learning about something new this year and giving to your community.
Make your 2020 LearnGive Pledge
Now it's up to you to make your official pledge to learn something new and to give to your community. Click here to log your pledge, and next month we will share results from our entire class.
Megan Ming Francis: Critical response to Darren Walker
Why this matters: It is important to understand multiple perspectives around philanthropy. Megan Ming Francis criticizes Darren Walker's position on social justice philanthropy by looking at the legacy of the Ford Foundation. She argues that the Foundation must first encounter its own past before pointing to the future.
Social Justice Philanthropy: What are your thoughts?
Why it matters: Part of our learning process centers around you, our Digital Students, reflecting on our classroom materials. Take a moment (~1-2 minutes) to take this brief survey and jot down your thoughts. We will share results next week.
Shifting Milestones, Fewer Donors and Volunteers
Why it matters: Shifts in reaching, choosing, and acting on milestones that traditionally mark the transition to adulthood may help explain why charitable behaviors in the United States have declined even as more young adults exhibit a historically high interest in engaging in their community and are better educated.
What Influences Young Americans to Support Social Causes
Why it matters: The future of the nonprofit sector is tied to the philanthropic interests of young people today. It is important to know what social causes drives young people to give back and why in order for the sector to continue thriving.
Q&A: 'Justice is calling' says Ford Foundation President Darren Walker
Why it matters: Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation and author of the book From Generosity to Justice: A New Gospel of Wealth, discusses his new book and why he made the decision to shift all of the Ford Foundation's grants to address inequality.
Our ‘Bootstraps’ Narrative Is Tying Us Down
Why it matters: Jeff Raikes, cofounder of the Raikes Foundation, discusses why in his opinion the 'bootstraps' narrative can hide the reality that inequality causes a "tilted playing field". Hear directly from him as he advocates to see philanthropy through a different light, and takes a critical look at historical philanthropists.
Video: Darren Walker (Ford Foundation)
Why it matters: A prominent philanthropist, Ford Foundation president Darren Walker sits down with Goldman Sachs to discuss how he has rethought philanthropy through a lens of fighting against social inequality. Hear his take and reflect on what traditions of philanthropy you ascribe to.
In this online community, just like a college campus, we aim to present a variety of perspectives on philanthropy.
Philanthropy is nothing if not personal. We hope you read and hear things in this community that speak to you. We equally hope you encounter perspectives that challenge yours. We’re so glad you’re here. We look forward to learning together.