Strong Women Strong Girls
Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG) is a nonprofit organization championing the next generation of female leaders through our innovative, multi-generational mentoring programs. As we foster a strong female community, SWSG is building a brighter, broader future for all girls and women.
The Problem
Girls, particularly girls of color, disproportionately experience systematic social barriers that impede their positive development.
The Solution
SWSG’s program is aligned with the research-backed 6C’s framework for positive youth development which develops 6 competencies: connection, caring, contribution, character, competence, and confidence (Lerner et al., 2005). A recent large study demonstrated that youth participating in 6C’s-aligned programs have increased protective factors including more positive relationships with peers and mentors, active and engaged citizenship, more positive self-worth, healthier habits, and reduced delinquency and depression (Lerner et al., 2011). As a result of programming, girls will see a world with possibilities in which they can pursue and achieve their dreams.
Planned Use Of Funds
Program Expansion
Geographic Focus
Why this project?
Girls of color are significantly more likely to be suspended, expelled, and not graduate from high school, which limits their options for higher education (NBWJI, 2018; Novo Foundation, 2018).
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Track Record/Evidence
"track record" content here