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Community Servings

ABCD is a nonprofit human services organization that provides more than 100,000 low-income residents in the Greater Boston region annually with the tools and resources needed to transition from poverty to stability and from stability to success. 

To fulfill this purpose, ABCD uses a comprehensive approach that systematically addresses the range of barriers faced by households in poverty, from day-to-day crises to long term needs for jobs and education.

COVID-19 Response

Based on the design of the organization, the coronavirus pandemic has not altered the programming of the organization, nor given birth to a concrete COVID-19 response.


Community Servings is a non-profit organization that delivers nutritious food to individuals who are dealing with life-threatening illnesses and who are unable to access healthy food options as a result. They also provide meals for the families and clients apply for their services and their eligibility is based on extent of illness, client’s lack of mobility, and other factors that make it difficult for clients to shop. 65% of their clients are from racial-ethnic minorities with an average age of 53 for clients. Through nutritional and educational services, community servings aims to provide the resources needed for nutritionally vulnerable individuals in the city of Boston.


The organization is aware that their clients have not been provided with the nutritional needs they deserve as research provided by the organization states 1 in 3 patients who enter the hospital are malnourished. For this reason, community servings partnered with The Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School and launched the Massachusetts Food is Medicine State plan to increase the presence of medically tailored food by gathering healthcare providers, payers, and policy leaders. They are also apart of the Food is Medicine coalition, a collection of nonprofits across the nation that promote public policy to address nutritional food access for those with chronic illnesses. Community Servings also provided an interesting statistic which demonstrates that there was a 16% net reduction of the average monthly healthcare costs of clients that receive their meals, proving that their efforts are making an impact.


Community Servings has been around since 1992. Over the past four tax return years, they have steadily grown their revenue figures, and raise between $5-$7 million annually. Overall, they operate with a sizable positive operating margin most years. The executive team of the organization has been in place for many years, and the CEO has been involved with the organization since its inception. The organization has a robust board that is listed on their website.

Excellence in Management and Operations

94% of clients served by Community Servings live in poverty. This statistic demonstrates the demographics of the individuals they serve, but not to its full extent. Due to the Community Servings model, they are able to serve a diverse network because they meet families where they are. This outreach model designed by the leadership of the organization is logical and in-line with the mission of the organization.