HOME RUN: $50,000
Sponsor benefits:
- Co-branding of the event (e.g., “Philanthropy on the Field in partnership with Company Name”) and after-party
- Your company name and a quote from a company representative included in all press leading up to the event
- Your company logo on the homepage of the Learning by Giving (LxG) website for one year
- Your company logo prominently displayed on the event webpage, ticket page, on the LxG online platform, and at the event and after-party
- Your company logo on the event swag (given to all participants)
- Opportunity to distribute company swag to event participants
- Verbal recognition at the event
- 10 tickets for employees at your company
- A lunch and learn with members of the Buffett family and
- LxG team at your company’s office on creating a multi-generational culture of philanthropy
TRIPLE: $25,000
Sponsor benefits:
- Your company logo on the homepage of the Learning by Giving (LxG) website for one year
- Your company logo prominently displayed on the event webpage, ticket page, on the LxG online platform, and at the event
- Opportunity to distribute company swag to event participants
- Verbal recognition at the event
- 7 tickets for employees at your company
DOUBLE: $15,000
Sponsor benefits:
- Your company logo displayed on the event webpage, ticket page, and at the event
- Verbal recognition at the event
- 5 tickets for employees at your company
SINGLE: $10,000
Sponsor benefits:
- Your company logo displayed on the event webpage and ticket page
- Verbal recognition at the event
- 3 tickets for employees at your company
Companies also have the opportunity to sponsor one of the main impact areas featured at the event
(Health, Housing, Youth Education/Opportunity, and Environment)
Sponsor benefits:
- Your company logo displayed on the event webpage,
ticket page, and at the event - Co-branding on the signage for that impact area with
your company logo - Verbal recognition at the event
- 5 tickets for employees at your company
An opportunity to sponsor the after-party
Sponsor benefits:
- Your company logo displayed on the event webpage and at the after-party
- Verbal recognition at the after-party
*An opportunity to be the only sponsor of the event within your company’s area of business is available. “Home Field Advantage” sponsorship starts at $75,000. All additional benefits outlined under the “Home Run” sponsorship level also apply. Please contact Amy Kingman at amy@learningbygivingfoundation.org for more information.