The Learning by Giving Foundation (LxG) is seeking like-minded program partners and companies to be a part of Boston’s first large-scale, one-day philanthropy event at Fenway Park. As a Program Partner, you will help recruit participants from your young professional network to buy tickets to Philanthropy on the Field. You’ll work closely with LxG to bring participants who are interested in getting engaged in the community, are passionate about the city’s unique challenges and come from diverse, non-traditional philanthropic backgrounds. As an in-kind donor, you’ll have the opportunity to get your service or product in front of over 250 young professionals from the greater Boston area. By providing your service or product free of charge, you’ll develop great brand recognition with engaged and passionate individuals who are active in their communities across
the city.

By partnering with LxG, each program or in-kind donor will get the following benefits listed below.


Partnership benefits:

  • Digital signage at the event
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Your company logo prominently displayed on the event webpage, ticket page, and at the event


Partnership benefits:

  • Digital ad at the event
  • Product distributed at the event
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Your company logo prominently displayed on the event webpage, ticket page, and at the event

Please contact Tevis Spezia at events@learningbygivingfoundation.org for more information.